Olivia Zafar, a fifth-generation Shamaness, Priestess, and Medicine woman is your trusted guide to the spirit realm. With her profound insights and powerful tools, she empowers you to transcend limitations, overcome dysfunctions, and reclaim your power through sacred rites of passage & initiation.
“My greatest Joy is witnessing the remembrance in another of the god and goddess that lives within”
Check out my online Mystery School Moonshell Healing Arts where you can find Live Events, Mentorship programmes and Courses!
Olivia Zafar
Moonshell Healing Arts
Tap into your personal power, Ancient wisdom & walk the sacred spiral path
Moonshell Mystery School
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Work with me
Transformation with Olivia: A Sacred Spiral Path
Olivia, a powerful activator & initiator invites you into a profound container of transformation and healing. Her gifts & experience as a shamaness, priestess & Medicine woman, creates a safe and nurturing space for you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery . Olivia illuminates your path with mystical insights, liberating knowledge and healing, acting as a bridge to the spirit world & your transformation.
Walking the sacred spiral path along side you, she supports you in setting free all that has held you back from your highest potential. Are you ready to heal & step into your most liberated self yet?
Through Olivia's guidance, you are encouraged to unravel the layers of trauma, attachments, conditioned behaviors, interpersonal dynamics, and rewire the subconscious mind & outdated beliefs that may be hindering your path in life. As you delve deeper into the journey, you are supported in shedding these burdens and connecting with your truest essence.
Olivia helps you navigate through the labyrinth of your soul, illuminating hidden truths and fostering a sense of renewal. Allow her wisdom as an intuitive, empower you to embrace your inner light.
Dis-ease as Disharmony
Together we will also explore the roots of dis-ease as the discord between the body, mind and spirit. When we become detached from our emotions, we lose touch with our will, & relinquish our power, we pave the way for imbalance within our spirit.
It is this disharmony that often manifests as physical or emotional ailments, signaling the urgent need for realignment and reconnection within ourselves. By acknowledging and addressing the root causes of our disconnection, we can begin the journey towards somatic & holistic healing approaches. Recognising that emotion is Energy in motion and when it is not released from the body this is when it can start to manifest disease.
- Shaman Olivia Zafar
Charlotte Church’s Dream Build On REALLY
Season 2 episode 6